Booster Clubs are a vital part of a school system and demonstrate a commitment to excellence for our students, our schools, and our programs. We appreciate your involvement and support. Hudson ISD provides this manual as a tool to help you set the stage for a successful year. While Booster Clubs are separate from the Hudson ISD, the district has designed this manual to be used as a training tool and will assist you in complying with District policies and guidelines, University Interscholastic League (UIL) guidelines, and state and federal regulatory guidelines. Hudson ISD extracurricular programs teach critical skills such as sportsmanship, cooperation, competition, and teamwork. Booster Clubs play an important role in helping all students graduate as well-rounded students with bright futures. Thank you again for all that you do to ensure our students a bright future.
Enables parents to view student grades, pay online for student lunches, etc.
Permite a los padres ver las calificaciones de los estudiantes, pagar en línea los almuerzos de los estudiantes, etc.
Click here to send an email requesting the design(s) you would like,
or you can request ALL designs. New designs will be added as they are created.
All images will be emailed in PNG format.
Design 1
Design 2
Design 3
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Design 5
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Design 8
CANVAS is the Learning Management System used for grades 3-12.
CANVAS supports both onsite and distance learning.
Students can access CANVAS through their CLEVER account.
Parents are provided with information on how they can access their child’s CANVAS account.
SEESAW is the Learning Management System used at Peavy Primary.
SEESAW can support both onsite and distance learning.
Students access SEESAW through their CLEVER account.
A student’s classroom teacher will provide parent(s) with information about downloading the SEESAW app.
With the app, parents can view student assignments, view samples of student’s work, and
provide positive comments that can be viewed by the student.
Need assistance in accessing the app? Contact your child’s teacher.
ParentSquare is a safe and secure platform for all school-to-home communication. The two-way group messaging, private conversations, district-wide alerts and notices, and simple user interface keeps everyone connected.
To register for ParentSquare, click the link at the top of this message. It will take you directly to the site to register and download the app. Please remember, you must use the email and/or phone number you provided the district.
PreK – 2nd Grade
3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade Life Skills
9-12 Grades: Pencils, Pen, & Paper
(Additional class supply lists will be provided after school starts.)
Family Portal was launched in January, 2023, and gives parents the ability to evaluate how their students perform on the STAAR and other state assessments.
Students unique TSDS confidential student access code is availabe via Parent Portal → Family Access → Portfolio.
Click here to access Family Portal
High Expectations – Higher academic and behavioral expectations yield exponential outcomes.
United Purpose – The educational advancement of students is a shared responsibility among students, educators, parents and community.
Dedication – We are dedicated to the development of core values, high standards of character, and ethical decision -making.
Safe Environment – A safe learning environment supports productivity, creativity, and success.
Open Communication – Open and effective communication establishes trust and positive relationships.
New Ground – A progressive learning environment promotes collaborative, innovation and problem solving.