Contact: Chief Daniel.. 936-875-9427; Officer Lawrence...936-875-9289: Officer Brazil...936-875-9297; Officer Casper...936-875-9348
Hudson ISD Police Department
Officer Charles Lawrence-Chief Michael Paul Daniel-Officer Kristen Henley-Officer Bryan Holley,
Not Pictured: Officer Casper and Officer Brazil
Qualifications: Each HISD Police Officer has been certified as a Texas Law Enforcement Officer. All officers attend state-approved training and maintain yearly updates.
Duties: Officers work during school hours to provide a safe teaching and learning environment for students, faculty and staff. They use mediation to solve problems between students, act as first responders to fire or medical emergencies, conduct parking and traffic enforcement, provide traffic control and patrol the campuses.
Additional Security: HISD Police Department is supplemented by part-time security officers when additional personnel is needed. In addition, key district staff are trained in non-violent techniques for intervening in crisis situations.
Campus Security Measures:
>Vistors to campuses must submit a picture ID that is entered into the RAPTOR Visitor Management System before the visitor is allowed to interact with students or faculty and staff.
>Outside doors to buildings and individual classroom doors are locked during the school day.
> School hotline provides way for students to report issues
> Bullying issues are investigated and addressed.
> Crisis Intervention: Counselors and identified personnel have been trained in crisis intervention techniques.
> Traffic flow is monitored by security officers and by campus staff.
> Zero-tolerance policy for violence, alcohol, drugs and tobacco