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Middle School Computer Lab Calendars

Guidelines for Middle School Computer Lab reservations: 
1.  Teachers may reserve the lab for a maximum of FOUR (4) consecutive days.
(Exception must be approved by the campus principal.)
2.  Top priority for the lab will be given to teachers sharing a laptop cart

Middle School Computer Lab Reservation Calendars
(1) To reserve a lab, one must be signed into their school Gmail account
2) Select the name of the lab from the list below (click)
(3)  Click on the date and time slot 
(4)  SAVE
(5)  Reservation will automatically be recorded on the master calendar AND on the teacher's calendar.  *** Confirmation email is sent to school Gmail account.
(6) The individual making the reservation is the only one who can cancel the reservation.



Media Center Computer Lab    
Confirmed Reservations


HMS Outdoor Classroom

Confirmed Reservations


Media Center Multipurpose Room

Confirmed Reservations